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Skin Growth Removal 


At Body fx, we offer solutions to minor skin irregularities including a wide range of moles, skin tags, cherry angiomas, minor fibromas, clogged pores, cholesterol deposits, broken capillaries, molluscum contagiosum, pyogenic granuloma, melanocytic nevus and acne.


A professionally trained Body FX technician uses electricity to quickly dehydrate the skin lesion, which causes it to fall off within just a few days. There is no need for anesthesia and topical cream is used on an as needed basis.


Our solutions are effective on all skin types and ages. This non-invasive and rapid treatment (3-5 seconds per area) provides almost immediate and long-lasting results, with little scarring and bleeding, no stiches and no chemicals used.


** Use of a topical numbing cream must be expressed prior to making an appointment in order to schedule enough time required for the numbing cream to work, an additional 30 minutes is required. The numbing agent is the same cream used for laser hair or tattoo removal. There will be an additional fee of $30 for the topical numbing cream. 
Spot Removal After Care: 


  • A thin protective scab forms in one-two days and falls off in 7-12 days and is a little pinkish . Please avoid any scrubs, facials, pore treatments, hair removal until treatment area regains color. Total healing takes several weeks to several months.     

  • Apply ointment before showering ( first 4-5 days), avoid swimming or getting the treatment area wet as best as you can until the scabs are gone.

  • One free follow up touch-up treatment is included if needed. Some blemishes may require a small touch up after six months at the client's request. 


Recommended Products: Sunscreen, TNS Essential Serum, TNS Recovery Complex, Scar Recovery Gel, rarely needed


Per irregularity, dependent upon the location and size of the treated area. 


Approximately - $50 - 150 

Additional irregularities - $15 - $50 


Multiple Skin Abnormalities or Blemishes Pending Consultation 


 $50 - 1 spot 

 $40 each - 3 spots

 $30 each - 4 spots

 $25 each - 5 or more spots


A Touchup may or may not be recommended

Body FX offers skin growth removal for skin tags and more

Client's skin tags were removed around the eyes. This is the results right after the treatment. Most were removed and the ones that remain will fall off in time as well as the scabs.

Body FX offers skin growth removal for skin tags and more
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