"Visually Redefining Beauty & Wellness"
Ultrasonic Non-Invasive Lipo (Ultrasonic Cavitation)

Ultrasonic cavitation, also known as aesthetic cavitation, is a relatively new technique that applies a phenomenon known in physics to aesthetics. This phenomenon is called cavitation and it is a very smart way to reduce fat because it completely destroys fat cells and converts them into liquid which is then naturally eliminated with urine. Nowadays ultrasonic cavitation is considered as an alternative treatment to surgical liposuction as a non-invasive procedure with results obtained quickly WITHOUT NEEDLES, WITHOUT PAIN, WITHOUT SIDE EFFECTS, WITHOUT ANY DOWN TIME and WITHOUT ANY EXERCISE
Ultrasonic cavitation reduces fat cells with certain manipulation techniques thanks to a hand piece that is placed on the skin precisely on the area that is to be treated. The machine works with ultrasounds that form bubbles in the tissues where the fat cells are located. The bubbles expand and are immediately compressed afterwards. The temperature increases due to sudden variation in pressure and the bubble implodes. This implosion damages the fat cells, reducing the localized fat. The fat released (triglycerides) fragments into triglycerides that are expelled via the urinary system.
We target areas that you wish to improve whether it be for overall INCH & FAT LOSS, CELLULITE IMPROVEMENT or BODY CONTOURING. Fantastic results can be achieved on both men and women on abdomens, bingo wings, love handles, thighs, buttocks, knees etc.
As it is not uncommon to lose between four and eight centimeters in one treatment and also because cavitation followed by lymphatic drainage creates an improved result, we follow up this procedure with a skin tightening therapy using advanced radio frequency technology to stimulate both lymphatic drainage and collagen growth in the areas where fat has been reduced.
Electric Stimulation Paddles
Slim down, lose inches, tighten skin, tone up, and increase muscle strength.
Electronic pulses stimulate special points on the body, this kind of function can effectively regulate bio-electric and endocrine system and accelerate metabolism, reaching remarkable effect of weight lost and skin tightening.
--Promotes tissue metabolism
--Repels cellulite
--Tightens skin
--Strengthens skin elasticity
--Fat dissolving
--Body shaping
--Promotes metabolism and blood circulation
--Repairs pitted, dimpled skin. Smooth cellulite.
--Adds skin moisture
--Decreases excessive water and prevents fat from accumulating.
--Clears belly wrinkles, especially stretch marks.
--Complements collagen to recover resilience
Feels like you're working out when you really aren't!

Laser Lipo
Non-surgical laser like technology shrinks fat while you lie there
Cold laser light, applied directly to the skin, which causes
the fat cells to open up and release their “fat” contents,
which is the same thing that happens when you exercise.
Only the hormones cause the fat cells to release fats when
you exercise. The water, glycerol, and free fatty acids leave
the cell, and your fat cell shrinks. This is Safe —It is just a cold
laser light, no cutting or invasive procedures. The same
process that exercise causes the fat cells to go through,
happens from the paddles.
*Reduce Fat
*Reduce Stretch Marks
*Skin Shrinkage
*Lose Inches
*Eliminate Cellulite
*Spot Reduction
*Chin “Tucks” with chin fat
*Eliminate Muffin Tops Easily and Effortlessly

Vacuum Therapy

Vacuum therapy is a non-invasive technique that is used around the world for reducing the appearance of fat and cellulite and now has been discovered to help increase the size of the buttocks and breasts. Its lifts cellulite away from the muscle and encourages blood flow, stimulating lymphatic drainage. It also helps fat mobilzed to areas where we need it. Vacuum therapy is a modern version of ancient Chinese cupping therapy that is now a popular treatment for slimming, detox, anti-cellulite, pain management and circulation. Side effects are minimal and may involve some bruising or soreness in the areas treated.
Benefits of Vacuum Therapy
-Minimizes cellulite appearance(body sculpting)
-Improves blood,and lymphatic circulation
-Reduces non medical swelling(fluid retention) noticeable in puffy eyes,swollen legs,and ankles
-Localized fatty deposits can be softened
-Used to treat Osteochondrosis,colds,bronchitis,and pneumonia
-Improves skin elasticity,texture,tightness,and vitality
-Softens,and hydrates the skin
-Stimulates the flow of water throughout the body
-Enhances the immune system
-Supports healing (pre and post surgeries recommended)
-Boosts energy
-relieves depression,and chronic fatigue syndrome
-Relieves muscle tension
-Increases collagen synthesis
-Stimulates microcirculation
-Expels toxins
-Activates collagen production
-Improves tissue oxygenation
-Will stop the progression of a pathological condition such as cellulite
-smooths hypodermic fat layer
-Assists in the healing of connective tissue injuries,sprains and ligaments that are torn
-Relaxes and rejuvenates your body
Infrared Sauna

Infrared Body Wrap System is a healthy, non-invasive therapeutic treatment that helps reduce the appearance of cellulite, stretch marks an is effective in aiding with inch and pound-loss, including heat-therapy benefits. The Sudatonic Infrared Body Wrap System burns 1200-1800 calories in a single session while melting body fat and cellulite!
Benefits with Infrared Sauna:
Body Contouring
Smoothes the Appearance of Cellulite and Stretch Marks
Muscle and Joint Comfort
Improve the Appearance of Skin
Detoxification of the body
Lose inches
Lose pounds
Lose calories
Liver Detoxification
Fat-Burning and Weight Loss
Purge Heavy Metals
Increase Metabolism and Energy
Deep Relaxation
Internal Cleansing with Full Body Purge
Improve Sexual Health
Significant Pain Relief
Hormone Balancing
Improve Memory and Sleep and Stress
Improve Blood Circulation
Massage Benefits and Physical Therapy
Enhance Immune System
Enhance Nutrition Absorption and Healing
Dry Mineral Body Wraps

Dry Mineral Body Wrap helps pull and tighten, reducing cellulite and wrinkles, dead skin removal, adipose fat tissue removal leaving your skin with a smoother, softer appearance. Lose 4-8 Inches in One Body Wrap!
Contouring Tummy Wrap
The Contouring Tummy Wrap will be applied to your stomach while you relax as the active ingredients break down fat cells
and contours your stomach to a more desirable one.
Slimming Body Wrap
The Slimming Body Wrap is a body shaping treatment using dry minerals. Circulation is improved as the treatment helps detoxify and rid the body of unwanted toxins while the skin is nourished. Tone and firm your body with our signature wrap.
Slimming Body Wrap w/ Dry Brushing
Our signature body wraps helps you to lose inches, detoxify the body, and reduces the appearance of cellulite, all while toning and tightening the skin. The benefits are endless! This natural treatment will decrease swelling, increase energy, promote skin renewal, and it also flushes the environmental poisons from the body at a cellular level. Our signature body wrap with dry brushing will allow for maximal results by allowing deeper product penetration. Dry brushing opens pores to increase circulation which increases lymphatic fluid release.
Xtreme Body Wrap
The Xtreme Body Wrap consists of a during-wrap treatment using our infrared sauna to lose fat. This process begins with you selecting your choice of one of our wraps. You are then wrapped and put into our infrared sauna spending 45 minutes relaxing. During this time, your body gets to experience all of the benefits of infrared heat all while relaxing. Your circulation will improve all while losing calories, firming and contouring your body. It helps to give you more energy and relieve stress, boosts metabolism, relieves joint and muscular pain, and helps to detoxify your body.
With the Extreme Body Wrap clients can lose up to 10-20 inches in one session!
Bye Cellulite Body Wrap
The Bye Cellulite Body Wrap will start with utilizing the M'lis Body Buffer Scrub, a high-end spa product, to scrub away blockage of the skin and to prepare the body for optimal results. Then it will follow with Dry Brushing, a Slimming Body Wrap and last M'lis Cellulite Lotion is applied to areas of concern to help further dissipate cellulite and to maintain results acheived.
Fat Blaster (Lipase) Body Wrap
The Fat Burner Wrap are two wraps preformed back to back on the same day. It is a great choice for hard, stubborn bodies, and bodies with more muscle hidden underneath. This specially formulated body wrap is the only wrap that contains an enzyme solution called Lipase*.
This specific enzyme is an enzyme the body creates to break down fat naturally and we use it to encourage rapid fat reduction and breakdown during the wrap session. The key to our Fat Burning Body Wrap is that it breaks down hard fatty tissue, removes stubborn cellulite, and helps you lose inches that wouldn’t otherwise come off from strictly working out! What makes this wrap so special?
This wrap is actually the only wrap offered that is delivered in two stages, simultaneously:
Stage 1- The Client is wrapped just like any other wrap but this time the bandages are soaked in a formulated solution that contains Lipase. Then, while wrapped in the bandages, the client engages in light to vigorous movement for 30 minutes while Lipase is reapplied frequently. However, no inch loss is happening in this stage. What’s happening is that hard fat cells and tissues are being softened so better inch loss can happen in the next step!
Stage 2 - Clients are wrapped yet again this time with dry minerals in the second stage to help replenish the body while tightening and firming the softer tissue. Most clients see astonishing results after their first fat burning body wrap!
*Lipase is a known homeopathic element that is defined as any class of enzymes that break down fat, produced by the liver, pancreas, and often digestive organs or by certain plants.
Ultimate Body Wrap
The Ultimate Body Wrap is a powerful combination of the Fat Blaster Body Wrap and the Xtreme Body Wrap
using lipase enzymes, dry mineral and infared technology. The supreme process will make you burn fat, lose inches and lose calories.
If you want the best drastic results then this is your ultimate wrap!
Whole Body Vibration
With our lives our lives being busier than ever, many of us simply don't have the energy or time to get to the gym. Aging and stress reduces our natural production of HGH resulting in weight gain, sagging skin, and loss of muscle tone especially around the waist, arms, buttocks and thighs. But the great news is....in just 10 minutes a day, you can improve how you look and feel - faster than ever before with age-defying whole body vibration technology!
Compared to traditional training methods such as weight lifting, aerobics or jogging, incorporating vibration plate technology achieves BETTER results in FAR LESS TIME and with LESS EFFORT!
Simply stand or sit on the whole body vibration plate for JUST 10 minutes a day and squeeze each muscle group for one minute to quickly reduce fat, inches, and toxins, help balance hormones, uplift mood, reduce stress, increase bone density, improve your overall well-being, immune system and much more!. Vibration Plate Therapy is THE ULTIMATE solution for busy women and men on the go!
-- is equivalent to jogging 5 miles on a track --Almost 100% of the muscle fibers are utilized on a body vibration plate machine. Jogging uses only 50 -70% of the muscle fibers!
--Helps quickly burn fat, firms, sculpts, tones and defines muscles far FASTER than most other conventional exercises
--Body Vibration Machines are used by Olympic and professional athletes. Astronauts use body vibration machines after space missions to help re-build muscle and bone loss
--In just 2 weeks, see muffin tops and inches around the waist reduce AND experience toned stomach muscles FASTER than doing crunches or sit-ups
--The vibrations help QUICKLY reshape the arms, hips, waist, abdomen and legs.
--Can help tighten skin on the body, face - even helps tone facial muscles!
--Reduces and smoothes dimply cellulite by enhancing collagen production & promotes lymphatic drainage to improve the skin's texture and tone
--Chiropractors recommend vibration therapy to help prevent bone mineral loss. Excellent for preventing Osteoporosis
--Increases Human Growth Hormone output by up to 361%, thus helps rejuvenate the body - a safe option to costly HGH injections
--Enhances metabolic rate and increases energy and well being
--Reduces stress and decreases cortisol production (stress hormone) to help tone the tummy or middle-aged spread
--Helps uplift mood and sense of well-being
--Helps balance hormones whether post-baby, PMS, or menopause
--Can help reduce menopausal issues such as irritability, mood swings, hot flashes and night sweats
--Helps reduce insomnia and increases libido
--An excellent choice for those with fibromyalgia or asthma
--Can increase muscle strength up to 50% in as little as three weeks.
--Promotes blood circulation and helps strengthen immune system
--Increases joint mobility and helps stimulate body's natural stretch reflex

Striptease Houston

Exotic and pole dance has become increasingly popular. As we become a more free and accepting society many women have opted to learn the art of exotic dance. Now anyone can mold themselves to become her inner Diva!
Striptease Houston is an exotic and pole dance instruction company that teaches women this movement.
Private Lessons For:
* Bachelorette Parties
* Baby/Wedding Showers
* Girls Night Out
* Birthdays
* Celebrations
* Relationship Mending
* Confidence/Esteem Building
* Weight Loss/Toning
Lesson topics include: Rhythm; Hip movement, Floor work; Seducing
Lap Dance, Using Props, Pole Dance (*Extra Fee).
Lessons are given in the privacy of your own home.
StripTease Houston is one of the most affordable companies you will find teaching this highly sought-after movement.
Please call Susan Nguyen at 281-513-3175 Email: info@stripteasehouston.com or go to stripteasehtx.com